Implant Retained Dentures

Experience enhanced stability, comfort, and confidence with our comprehensive implant dentistry services.

Implant Retained Dentures

Implant-retained dentures combine the stability of dental implants with the convenience of dentures. This innovative approach involves strategically placing dental implants in the jawbone to anchor and secure a set of dentures. Whether you’re missing several teeth or need a full arch restoration, implant-retained dentures provide a reliable and lasting solution.

What are the benefits?

Implant-retained dentures eliminate the concerns of slipping or shifting often associated with traditional dentures. The implants serve as secure anchors, providing enhanced stability and preventing discomfort.Unlike traditional dentures, implant-retained dentures allow for greater biting force, enabling you to enjoy a varied and more natural diet without limitations.

Choose Boxmoor Dental

Contact Boxmoor Dental today to schedule a consultation and discover how implant-retained dentures can transform your smile and quality of life. Experience the lasting benefits of a stable and natural-looking dental restoration.